
Onsite Waste Water Treatment

Residential Septic System, Williams

Hired to perform all aspects of installing a residential septic system for a residence in Williams, Arizona.

Residential Septic System, Doney Park

Hired to perform all aspects of installing a residential septic system for a residence in Doney Park, Arizona.

Commercial and Residential

Star Charter School, Flagstaff

Hired as General Contractor to design, build, and furnish a storage facility for the Star Charter School in Flagstaff, Arizona.

Hyatt Hotel, Flagstaff

Hired as General Contractor to excavate and install domestic water, fire water, sewer, and primary and secondary electric utilities for the Hyatt Hotel on Clay Avenue and Malapais Lane in Flagstaff, Arizona.

Residence in Flagstaff Ranches, Flagstaff

Hired as Sub Contractor to install utilities including water, sewer, electrical, and prepare grade for foundation for residence in Flagstaff, Arizona.

Alpine Ranches Well Facility and Waste Water Treatment, Flagstaff

Hired as General Contractor to install all new utilities including water, fire water, electrical, onsite wastewater treatment, new pump house enclosures, and automated controls in Flagstaff, Arizona.

Residence in Flagstaff Ranches, Flagstaff

Hired as Sub Contractor to install retaining wall and prepare grade for concrete slab for residence in Flagstaff, Arizona.

Circle K, Flagstaff

Hired as General Contractor to install all new utilities including water, fire water, sewer, and storm sewer in Flagstaff, Arizona.

Dental Clinic Storage Facility, Cameron

Hired as General Contractor to perform site grading and install utilities including water, fire water, and sewer in Cameron, Arizona.

Flagstaff Surgery Center Utilities, Flagstaff

Hired as General Contractor to install utilities including water, fire water, and sewer in Flagstaff, Arizona.

Ranch at the Peaks Drainaige Channel, Flagstaff

Hired as General Contractor to grade and install large drainaige channel at Ranch at the Peaks in Flagstaff, Arizona.

Civil and Land Development

Land Development, Flagstaff

Large scale land development for residential housing in Flagstaff, Arizona.

RT66 Commerce Land Development, Flagstaff

Large scale land development for commerce in Flagstaff, Arizona.